Szymi Kaminski

Here’s our next team player, Szymon Kamiński — Szymi for short :)

He’s been with Reequest for a short time, but he’s already made his mark and carved his own path.
Szymi Kamiński

szymi kamiński

front-end developer
/ szymi_bjj
“ Some people can read War and Peace and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story… Others can read the ingredients on the back of a chewing-gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe. “ - Lex Luthor.
Szymi is a Front-End Developer who hones his skills daily. Humble and modest, it’s up to us to emphasize just how valuable he is to our team :) He has as many passions as he has strengths (which means a lot!). Martial arts, weightlifting, crossfit, running, programming, technology, and books. He'll take care of the visual aspects of a website, teach you the secrets of Muay Thai or jiu-jitsu, introduce you to the world of coding, or push you to your limits during a workout.

In his free time, he keeps in shape in various ways, reads books, or… collects Pokémon cards, which we gifted him for his birthday :)

Szymi through the eyes of the rest of the team:
He’s brought great energy, and we love working with him. He’s incredibly balanced and focused on getting things done, but most importantly, he listens to others. He’s a master at voicing what most of us are thinking but don’t have the courage to say out loud :) We value him for his authenticity, honesty, and sense of humor. Given his dedication to sports, we admire his perseverance and determination in achieving his goals.

Szymi in a few words?
Self-improving, funny, laid-back. He’s a tough competitor :)

About Us

Meet our team

Reequest is made up of diverse personalities that complement each other and collaborate to get amazing work done :)

Who would you like to get to know better?
O nas - Piotr Byliński

piotr bylinski

O nas - Joanna Juszczak

joanna juszczak

senior graphic designer
O nas - Michał Głowacki

michal glowacki

3d graphic designer
O nas - Elżbieta Łuchniak

elzbieta Luchniak

ui / ux designer
O nas - Dominik Janyszek

dominik janyszek

3d graphic designer
O nas - Karolina Kołodziejczyk

karolina kolodziejczyk

graphic designer
O nas - Szymi Kamiński

szymi kaminski

Front-End Dev
O nas - Szymi Kamiński

Zuzanna Siara

Junior graphic designer
What makes Reequest stand out?

With over 12 years of experience in the market and the ability to work across various industries, we can understand the needs of any client, no matter the challenge. We seek specific and creative solutions that help achieve the desired results.

Working with our agency guarantees not only a unique brand image but also an incredible experience for your customers.

Our team is full of enthusiasm and dedication, treating every project with the utmost attention to detail to ensure our clients' satisfaction and success.

For us, strong relationships with clients and delivering our work on time are top priorities.

We take it seriously, but with a fun twist!