The work on the animation for HSV began with the creation of a conceptual script, which gradually evolved into a detailed version, precisely describing each scene. Based on this, we developed a storyboard, which became an invaluable tool for visualizing and planning the future frames of the animation.
After the storyboard was approved, we proceeded to create the animatic. This simplified version of the future animation included preliminary models and basic animations, serving as a sketch for further detailed work. This phase allowed us to easily implement modifications and lay the groundwork for the final effects.
Next, following the approval of the animatic, we moved on to the finalization process. We replaced the simple shapes with advanced 3D models that were not only visually pleasing but also realistic and fluid in movement, thanks to the addition of detailed textures and visual effects to the basic animations.
The next step was the final rendering, which transformed our work into a cohesive and visually consistent product. The final assembly of all elements resulted in an impressive animation that not only effectively conveys the intended messages but also does so in an aesthetically appealing manner.